2009 Thousand Print Summer

A bunch of kids made wonderful prints in the summer of 2008 and we are continuing this for the summer of 2009! Thanks go to our sponsors, volunteers and the organizations who are helping at each venue. Click on the schedule on the right, because we have a page devoted to each venue’s event, and there you can get access to individual photosets from each event.
Get the flash player here: http://www.adobe.com/flashplayer
- 6/27/09: Celebrate Dundas
- 6/28/09: Granite City Days St. Cloud
- 7/25/09: Owatonna Art Fair
- 8/15/09: Stillwater ArtReach Alliance
- 8/22/09: Rochester ARTigras
- 8/29/09: Just Food Co-op Northfield
- 10/5/09: Red River Area Learning Center Moorhead
- 10/5/09: Centro Cultural de Fargo-Moorhead
Prints Completed
- 59 + 99 + 118 + 135 + 108 + 59 + 24 + 36 = 638
Main sponsor