2011 Five Sculpture Project

ArtOrg’s activity called the “Five Sculpture” project worked with five artists, consultants, and assistants to create five large sculptures for public display. ArtOrg inaugurated a the sculpture pedestal (or plinth) in downtown Northfield at the Lampe Law Group office, however that plinth was removed due to building renovations after three works were exhibited. The first sculpture of the Five Sculpture project was installed on Sunday, August 14, 2011 with a work called “Cementitious Fall(s)” from the artist Sharol Nau. The second of the sculptures to be placed was “To Thine Own Mother Be True” from Juan Jose Palacios on December 13, 2011. The third work was from artist Ed White and was placed March 18, 2012. The fourth piece from Mac Gimse called “Winged Victory” was placed at St. Olaf College on September 1, 2012.

During the month of February, 2012, the sculptures were located in a group on the Bill Neil farm, close to Castle Rock, Minnesota. Here we took photos of the works within a herd of Hereford cattle for an advertisement in Public Art Review’s Spring/Summer “Food for Thought” issue. A secondary benefit was to prove the robustness of the art: the half-ton cattle used them as scratching posts and they remained largely undamaged, but a trifle dirty. The cattle enjoyed the sculptures and we believe that several new calves were born next to them, although we have no photos of that.

Please watch for ongoing events surrounding the Five Sculpture project.

Thanks very much to Switzer’s Nursery and Landscaping for providing a space in which to work, and for the various tools we needed to get the job done. Thanks also go to sculptor’s assistant Ben Finley for all of those long hours with the grinders, chainsaws and, of course, the huge ice saw. Thanks also to Brian and Jim Machacek for providing steel and and constructing the bases for each sculpture. And last but not least, the artists themselves for their drive and passion in creating five outstanding works. Thank You!

“This activity is funded by the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council through the Minnesota arts and cultural heritage fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.” Thanks, Minnesota!

JJP and foam blocks



Flight of the Sculpture Part Four

Flight of the Sculpture Part Three

Flight of the Sculpture Part Two

Flight of the Sculpture

More Photos

  • 8/10/08 Gimse Installation at Lampe

    see all photos here