Archive of December, 2006

Carleton’s Wellness Center Creates!

December 12, 2006 By Dave Machacek

Rhonda Meyer and Natalee Johnson

Carleton College’s Wellness Center met at ArtOrg printmaking department yesterday to create a collaborative print. The Center’s staff, under the direction of instructor Chris Schommer, each carved a printing block and then the blocks were combined on one piece of paper. ArtOrg’s newly commissioned Takach 4072 etching press provided the stress and pressure which the Wellness Center turned into art. A good time was had by all!

Artist Talk Tonight

December 6, 2006 By Dave Machacek

The gallery exhibit in NE Minneapolis will have an artist salon starting at 7pm tonight. Steamroller printing will be discussed as well as a discussion by the individual artists and their prints. Join us, everyone is welcome!

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