April 20, 2012 By Dave Machacek

ArtOrg‘s collaborative projects often center on printmaking, and this post shows a few equipment additions to the print shop. The new equipment includes a large contemporary printing press for lithography, graining sink, exposure unit, set of flat files, and three inking rollers. This set of equipment is large and is able to work with “full sheet” sized paper which measures about 30 inches x 44 inches. We are excited about this increase in capability and ramifications on future projects. A photoset of some of our equipment is here.
The lithography press was constructed to the specifications of Tamarind Institute alumna Judith Solodkin and Continue Reading…
April 5, 2012 By Dave Machacek

The third installment of ArtOrg’s Five Sculpture project was installed last month from artist Ed White. The first sculpture was from Sharol Nau, the second from Juan Jose Palacios, and the upcoming works are from Ray Jacobson, and Mac Gimse. Thanks to Switzer’s Nursery and Landscaping for a shop to build the work in, and for help in transporting and installing the work. On our main page about the project, there is a stop-action video about the trip to the Lampe Plinth. Thanks again to Lampe Law Group for a wonderful Continue Reading…
By Dave Machacek

ArtOrg has worked on several big projects with Grupo Soap del Corazon in the past, and we are now is hosting information on their upcoming exhibit called “Los Cuatro Ases (The Four Aces)” on our website. The exhibit’s opening event is Saturday, April 7 at the Casket Arts Building in Northeast Minneapolis, and more information on the show can be seen here. Grupo Soap del Corazon artists that we worked with in 2006 Northfield and 2009 Fargo large steamroller printing projects are in this show. Felicidades!