June 12, 2007

48 Hour Film: Premieres Tonight

By Dave Machacek

Brendon, Alvin, and Aleshia

Over 80 teams took part in the 48 Hour Film Project from the Minneapolis area. ArtOrg’s submission will be shown in the group of about 14 other films which play tonight at 9:15pm at the Riverview Theater at 3800 42nd Ave S., Minneapolis, MN. Our film is called “Masked Destruction”.

All teams were given the same three items to incorporate into their film: the line of dialog was “they will get them, if we let them”, the prop was a portable music player, and the character was Jill or Jason Meyers–a veterinarian. Each team was also given a “genre” that their particular film had to be–and our team received the genre “Horror”. Pretty scary! Join us tonight!

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