August 31, 2005

ArtOrg works with Local Artist on Large Bronze Sculpture

By Dave Machacek

Ray Jacobson is a well-known and beloved artist and teacher in Northfield. He approached local metalworkers to consider the idea of pouring a large sculpture concept based on wheat. This sculpture project will bring local metalworkers together in ways not often done before. It is hoped that the experience gained from working on the project will continue and be the basis for the sculpture studio in a the new art building that is proposed for Northfield.

The sculpture will be cast from bronze, and will be over 10 feet tall.

Maquette Ray

A small group already has formed to consider this project in some detail. For example, Elizabeth See is a member of the ArtOrg board of directors and has worked in a bronze foundry for two years in England. The local Machacek family also started a The Northfield Foundry in 1920 and is still going today, although they do not pour metal at the Northfield facility anymore. Jim Machacek wants to lend his foundry expertise to the project–learned many years ago from his father and grandfather. We believe to have a melt furnace with a 25o-pound capacity on loan from a sponsor.

The sculpture as yet does not have a home. A full-sized cardboard model will be created in one of the first steps in building the sculpture, and this model will be taken to various locations within Northfield. Siting the model in this way with a preliminary cardboard version will enable Ray Jacobson to properly size the work, and give a chance to find a worthy location.

This sculpture project would by itself be costly, if done in a commercial foundry. With local help we can reduce the cost significantly and also build our own competence. Building this knowledge with our own artists will really help Northfield on its road to being a true “Arts Town”. This sculpture may be the start of a very significant resource that may also help the proposed art trail between Northfield and Dundas.

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