October 21, 2010

MAPC Events Successful

By Dave Machacek

Events scheduled in Northfield for the last day of the Mid America Print Council’s conference in the Twin Cities went very well. An engaged group of artists and printmakers enjoyed a great tour to no less than nine printmaking-related events. Highlights for ArtOrg were the return of Nuno Nunez to give a talk about the “Twenty Views of Dundas” project that was displayed at Carleton College, a lithography demonstration by Ben Finley and Rick Swearer on our big press, and displays of nineteen large steamroller prints from our 2006 and 2009 projects at the St. Olaf art building. Also, the 5000-square-foot “The Big Print” was installed just in time–less than 24 hours before people were scheduled to see it. Finally, and in fitting tribute, the exhibit “Time Revealed” closed out the activities for the day and Zigmunds Priede celebrated with many of his old friends and former students. Over 150 people attended Zig’s show. Thanks to St. Olaf and Carleton College for the wonderful venues and support, the printers and artists showcased in all of the exhibits, and the new friends we made during the course of the conference.

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