November 19, 2010

Big Print Block Party: My Print?

By Dave Machacek

ArtOrg has just released a map of where the art from the 1180 artists can be found on The Big Print. The areas are organized by the ten venues where the prints were created. Please go to our main page which describes the project. The artists, friends, patrons, and art lovers of any kind are invited to our event this Sunday to celebrate in Buntrock Commons at St. Olaf College. The event called The Big Print Block Party will run from 2 to 4 pm on Sunday November 21, 2010. We will have a brass quintet, several Hardanger fiddle players, and a large cake decorated with the pattern of the big print. We will have two experts measuring the print this day, for world record adjudication purposes: Northfield Mayor Mary Rossing and John Mark Lucas, who holds the title of Chartered Engineer in the United Kingdom. There will comments and a photo taken of everyone in front of the big print about 3pm.

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