October 10, 2008

The 1000 Print Summer hits 1180!

By Dave Machacek

The above photo slideshow shows highlights from the ArtOrg project called the 1000 Print Summer as it traveled to ten different places this summer and printed for (mostly!) kids with a steamroller. The final print tally in the end was 1180. Whew! Locations included The Walker Art Center, The Anderson Center in Red Wing, Owatonna, Crazy Days and Just Food Co-op Harvest Festival in Northfield, The Rochester Art Center, Stillwater, St. Cloud, and Peavey Plaza on Nicollet Mall in downtown Minneapolis. All of the prints can be seen here in our 1000+ photo archive. Congratulations to all participants, and especially those volunteers who got home bone-tired after a few of those long 200-print days. (Stay tuned for phase two of the project where we reprint all 1180 blocks into a big mural-like print measuring 40 feet tall by 80 feet wide!).

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