April 18, 2010

Five Sculpture Project Begins

By Dave Machacek

ArtOrg is bringing together five artists that will create large works in an activity we call the “Five Sculpture Project”. The five sculptures will be exhibited at the pedestal in front of the Lampe Law Group in downtown Northfield, Minnesota. The projected public unveiling of the project will be in the fall of 2010, and thereafter each sculpture will be on display for a period of ten weeks each, or a total “Five Sculpture” display period of one year.
The artists in the project are Mac Gimse, Ray Jacobson, Sharol Nau, Juan Jose Palacios and Ed White. Three artists are well-known to Northfield public art fans: Mac Gimse’s sculpture “Between Earth and Sky” has been located on the Lampe Pedestal for the last year, Ray Jacobson’s “Harvest” now permanently resides in the Sesquicentennial Legacy Plaza, and Sharol Nau delighted us with her River Curtains several years ago. Juan Jose Palacios grew up in Owatonna, creates figural architectural ornamentation, and participated in ArtOrg’s 2006 Day of the Dead Steamroller Print project. Ed White is a artist and Director of the Oak Lake Art Center in Julian, California. Ed was also depicted in a work from the “Twenty Views of Dundas” by Alex Hage.
The sculptures will be permanent in nature, but constructed out of carved foam, and ensconced in a hard shell. Metal will be applied to completely cover the hard shell, and traditional patinas and sealers will be applied to create a permanent and long-lasting appearance. The sculptures will be large in size, and measure roughly eight feet tall.
“This activity is funded by the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council through the Minnesota arts and cultural heritage fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.” Thanks, Minnesota!

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