April 28, 2008 By Dave Machacek

Three super-huge projects will be the subject of the one-week-only ArtOrg exhibit at Dean Kjerland’s ArtOnWater Gallery at 217 Water Street S. in Northfield. 1) “The 1000 Print Summer” will be announced–this project will result in printing for over 1000 kids and adults this summer at over one-dozen local and regional art festivals and camps. 2) “Art In The Sky” is a project where we recently painted a 100-foot-long skyway in Rochester Minnesota. Artist Rana Raeuchle will paint the front windows of the ArtOnWater Gallery in the same way the actual skyway was painted in Rochester! 3) “The Twenty Views of Dundas” will have a sneak peak–we will be showing about 1/2 of the finished artworks from Ray Jacobson, Sharol Nau and Pat Lampe, Fred Somers, Fred Hagstrom, John Saurer, Meg Ojala, Alex Hage, Carolyn Swiszcz, Scott West, and Hope Cook. Don’t miss your short opportunity to get a glimpse of the set! The main opening event will be held on Saturday, May 3 from 3 to 8 pm, and general hours are Thursday, May 1 to Thursday, May 8 from 3 to 8 pm.
April 24, 2008 By Dave Machacek

This is the last weekend for the ArtOrg gallery exhibit “Czech Printmaking 2008”. Here is a photoset of the opening of the show, which was a big success–drawing about 200 people. Friday, April 25 from 5 to 7pm, and Saturday and Sunday April 26-27 from 1 to 4pm is the last chance to see this wonderful show–and take home some wonderful art created over 4500 miles away!.
April 23, 2008 By Dave Machacek

ArtOrg would like to thank the Northfield News for “serializing” the prints of the “Twenty Views of Dundas” project. At the time of this writing, they have compiled small artist-composed descriptions of each artwork for 8 of the 20 artists. These descriptions will be used as documentation for the set, and also most likely be used for the gallery tags that hang along with each work at the forthcoming gallery exhibit of the project. We have put together a photoset of this Northfield News series, and it will be growing over the course of the next 3 additional weeks–it is located here. But hey, THANKS Northfield News!
April 20, 2008 By Dave Machacek

If you are driving to downtown Rochester, don’t take Civic Center Drive–take 2nd Street SW! The Rochester Downtown Alliance put out a call in January for artists to paint original concepts for six of Rochester’s downtown skyways. The contest was called the 2008 Rochester “Art in The Sky” competition, and ArtOrg was selected to paint two sides of one skyway–the westernmost skyway over 2nd Street SW. The skyway itself is about 100 feet long–and artist Rana Raeuchle came up with the final design. Rana is the artist and art director of the Trader Joe’s in Woodbury and has also led ArtOrg’s annual Japanese Animation Festival. There will be a media event in downtown Rochester on June 19 regarding the project, and the art is projected to stay up for anywhere from three months to one year. See a photoset of the skyway here!

April 7, 2008 By Dave Machacek

Printmakers Jan and Kristyna did not travel 4500 miles just to give an ordinary art exhibit! On Sunday April 13, from 3 pm to 9 pm, the ArtOrg gallery exhibit called “Czech Printmaking 2008” will open. The exhibit will feature work from eight contemporary printmakers from the Czech Republic, and the addition of about 20 artists from the University of Minnesota Printmaking Collaborative called “The Bohemian Press”. We are expecting a great turnout and we are roasting a pig! Please join us! We are recommending that everyone to attend this Continue Reading…