August 23, 2011

First Five Sculpture Placed

By Dave Machacek

The first artwork from ArtOrg’s activity called the “Five Sculpture” project has been successfully placed at the Lampe Law Group’s office at 105 East Fifth Street in Northfield, Minnesota. The Five Sculpture project exhibits five new works from five different artists over the course of about one year. The first sculpture of the Five Sculpture project was installed on Sunday, August 14, 2011 with a work called “Cementitious Fall(s)” from the artist Sharol Nau. Please watch for ongoing events surrounding the Five Sculpture project. The other four works are awaiting their time on the plinth, and they are from artists Ray Jacobson, Mac Gimse, Juan Jose Palacios, and Ed White. Four of the five sculptures are eight feet tall, and the fifth sculpture grew to about fourteen feet tall! Please go here to learn more about the Five Sculpture project.

ArtOrg created the sculpture pedestal (or plinth) about three years ago and the first sculpture placed there was Mac Gimse’s stainless-steel “Between Art And Sky” sculpture. This sculpture is awaiting some additional work before being placed at its permanent home, on the Dundas trail head of the Northfield-Dundas bike trail. A special thanks go to Mac and his wonderful sculpture; we are sad to see it go, but are looking forward to its reemergence in Dundas.

Thanks very much to Switzer’s Nursery and Landscaping for providing a space in which to work, and for the various tools we needed to get the job done. Thanks also go to sculptor’s assistant Ben Finley for all of those long hours with the grinders, chainsaws and, of course, the huge ice saw. Thanks also to Mark Meggitt for the help regarding finishing the sculptures, and also to Brian and Jim Machacek for providing steel and and constructing the bases for each sculpture. And last but not least, the artists themselves for their drive and passion in creating five outstanding works. Thank You!

“This activity is funded by the Southeastern Minnesota Arts Council through the Minnesota arts and cultural heritage fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.” Thanks, Minnesota!

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