June 25, 2009

Steamroller Printing in Dundas

By Dave Machacek

three kids 480The 2009 ArtOrg Thousand Print Summer kicks off in Dundas on Saturday from 10 am to 3:30 pm. We provide materials for everyone to make a print block, and then we ink it up, put some paper on the top, and roll over it with our small steamroller. Let the printmaker in you ROAR! This event is only one of many wonderful events which will include a pancake breakfast, old-time baseball, pet show and parade, horses, popcorn, grilling from Fermentations, a beer garden, and music. Music on Saturday includes The Ditch Lilies from 12 noon to 2pm, T.V. and the Bellr’d Yellers from 2pm to 4pm, Peter Lang from 4pm to 6pm, Will Healy’s live KYMN radio broadcast from 6pm to 8pm, and then the Zillionaires from 8pm to 10pm. It is likely that several artists from the ArtOrg project “The Twenty Views of Dundas” will be talking about their Dundas stories on the Will’s radio broadcast.

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