Thousand Print Summer 2012
ArtOrg wrapped up its small printing events for 2012 at the Day of the Dead Celebration at the Wellstone Center in St. Paul. This year represented an expansion of the activity, due to an Arts Access grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. Our overall stats from the year are 1516 prints made at 20 separate events. We thank our new friends and contacts in the Latino community that were a focus of this Arts Access grant program. From the Cinco de Mayo festival in Rochester to the November Day of the Dead Celebrations in St. Paul, we printed at: Latino Community Resources Fest, Dia de Campo Chapin, Minneapolis Festival de las Monarcas, the Owatonna Culturfest, the Willmar Area Multicultural Market, the Nobles County Integration Collaborative, Minneapolis Festival de la Independencia, and others. This activity is made possible in part by a grant provided by the Minnesota State Arts Board through an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature from the State’s arts and cultural heritage fund with money from a vote of the people on November 4, 2008.