July 14, 2011

Thousand Print Summer Update

By Dave Machacek

“Is this ArtOrg traveling to Inkster, North Dakota in a last ditch attempt to get their cruddy projects on the Printeresting blog?”, well apologies to Frank Zappa’s Ruben & the Jets album aside, ArtOrg has completed 21 events and printed for over 1200 kids and adults already this year in our event we call the Thousand Print Summer. On this trip nearly 3000 mile trip, we saw many great young artists, and you can see the photos of their art here. We also saw Sandhill cranes, buffalo, bittern, badgers, and a single young moose almost hit our vehicle. We saw a driveway immortalized in the movie Fargo, a 7-foot-tall 125-year-old oil painting from Alphons Mucha, and a town named Inkster. (The popular blog about printmaking called Printeresting has a fellow named Inkster as a mascot.) Thanks to the wonderful places we have visited so far, and the hospitality of all. Check out our remaining schedule and come make a print.

This is ArtOrg’s 4th year of Thousand Print Summer events and our print total now numbers over 5000. At each event, the artists leave the events with a wonderful paper print, but we keep the printing blocks. Out of these saved printing blocks, we have created three very large works: The Big Print, The Peace Caterpillar, and The St. Cloud Cult Print. The Big Print was recently recognized by the journal “Public Art Review” in a section about recent projects and that made us very happy.

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