September 24, 2012 By Dave Machacek

The ArtOrg 2012 Thousand Print Summer is well underway and we have already printed for well over 1000 kids and adults. Highlights from this summer are many, but check out the completed photos for details. If we had to single out some highlights, they would invariably include: the completion of a special “History of Mexican Printmaking” piece from the MIA parts of which that we give to each participant (English here, Spanish here), the record-breaking 380 prints in 6 hours at the Minneapolis Monarch Festival, the great turnout on a cold day at Culturfest in Owatonna, and the video of a somewhat obstinate llama at the Wadena County Fair. Continue Reading…
September 3, 2012 By Dave Machacek

The ArtOrg project “Seat Suite” has been recently exhibited at two venues, and ArtOrg also recently hosted Illinois artist Roland Poska and his “Great Human Race Initiative”. First, the Seat Suite was presented at the day-long ArtFaire event in St. Cloud Minnesota in early August, and then at the Minnesota State Fair in late August. Later at the end of the State Fair, ArtOrg hosted Poska and his initiative which incorporated signings of his “Declarations of Interdependence”. The response was great for all three events, and for the two State Fair events we made use of a large inflatable A-Frame to announce the exhibits. You can see the photos here Continue Reading…
September 1, 2012 By Dave Machacek

Mac Gimse’s contribution to the ArtOrg “Five Sculpture” project was installed on September 1, 2012 as a part of the St. Olaf College “Artists On The Hill” exhibition. This is the fourth public installation of works from this project, and was preceded by installations at the Lampe Law Group plinth of works from Sharol Nau, Juan Jose Palacios, and Ed White. Continue Reading…